Is Judge Glanville helping the state put Jeffery Williams Young thug behind bars by coercing witnesses?

While the Young thug’s lawyer Brian Steele has filed for Judge Glanville to be recused from the ongoing trial, Judge Glanville states, in open court, that it is permissible for a judge to participate in coercion of a prosecution witness and in shielding Brady material from disclosure to the defense, and that such conduct does not even appear to be improper.

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The motion, while of course highlighting the illegal and unethical secret ex parte hearing between the Judge, Prosecutors, and sworn witness, also lists other incidents of bias over the course of trial.

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“the court has joined the prosecutors team”.

In Georgia, the trial Judge only rules on the LEGAL SUFFICIENCY of the motion.

He must assume everything in the motion is true. and rule whether those facts would support a charge of bias.

Then it goes to another Judge.

Summary of the misconduct alleged regarding the ex parte hearing.

Brian Steel also asks for the indictment to be dismissed. In the case of a retrial, he says the Judge Glanville, Ms. Love, and Ms. Hylton all will be required witnesses at that trial.

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Recall that Brian Steele who was granted supersedes bond by the supreme court of Georgia. He will not need to go to jail while waiting for his contempt order to be appealed.

The post UPDATE ON YOUNG THUG’S RICO TRIAL appeared first on PlugPiece.

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