Florida man arrested for girlfriend’s murder after he first reported her death as suicide

 Florida man Christopher Myers, 38, was arrested and charged with the murder of his girlfriend on Thursday, August 4. Myers initially reported to police the cause of his girlfriend’s death as suicide.

The Florida man, whose full name is Christopher Lawson Myers, was booked into the Pinellas County Jail at about 3 am on Friday, per Tampa Bay Times. He was  booked with first-degree murder charge, two counts of tampering with the physical evidence, and a violation of probation.

The Largo Police Department said that they received a call from Myers who asked for service at the Somerset Apartments, 12800 Vonn Road. Myers initially informed them about an “alleged suicidal subject.” The Florida resident told the authorities that when he came back home, he found his girlfriend dead from several “self-inflicted” stab wounds,. The police did not mention the victim’s name.

However, the police realized that the wounds were not self-inflicted. They further said that there was a fight  between the victim and Myers and Myers was taken  into custody by the police. Investigations are going on.


Warning: This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion advised.

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